live a life that you design.

Welcome to ai tech mom

Are you a mother looking to achieve financial freedom while designing a life that aligns with your values and priorities? you want to live anywhere in the world, travel cross country in an rv, spend your time at home with your family?! You're in the right place! At ai tech mom, we empower mothers to leverage skills and expertise in tech, particularly in the exciting field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to create a lifestyle that allows for flexibility, autonomy, and fulfillment through landing remote tech jobs. no experience even needed. you can learn these new skills online (mostly for free) and I’ll show you how.

i understand the unique challenges and opportunities that mothers face in the workforce & at home. we can actually have it all. we can create a legacy while staying home. I have a background in data architecture, an expensive business degree from a private university and have spent the last 9 years out of the field while homeschooling our girls on our homestead. when our first daughter was born, i walked away from the corporate 9-5 job because i didn’t know that i could have it all, at home.

our platform is dedicated to providing resources, support, and guidance for mothers who want to thrive in tech careers while balancing their responsibilities at home.

may your circuits be bright, katie

create your legacy. their watching.

coming soon is my first free e-book to walk you step by step through the process of breaking down the barriers to knowledge in this field & beginning down this incredible trail. these careers were made for us moms.